
  • Introduction to Maple Bear Preschool

    The Maple Bear Early Education (Preschool) program provides children with a comprehensive, integrated, and English-based immersion teaching system that covers natural sciences, mathematics, technology, creative arts, life skills , individual development and social awareness.

  • Introduction  to Maple Bear Elementary School

    Maple Bear Elementary school, based on the best educational practices in Canada, is a full-time elementary school integrating Chinese and western educational concepts. While satisfying the national basic curriculum, we adopt the synchronized content of Canadian international education for children of the same age and make better integration among them. In the modern teaching environment and immersion English environment, students are trained to master the necessary skills and critical thinking ability in the multicultural background, so as to prepare for future study and lifelong study.

Maple BearCurriculum

Preschool Curriculum
Life Course
 Nature Course
Creative Activity

Music Art Drama Dance

English Language Arts
Science and Technology
Physical Skills and Well-being
Social Studies
Chinese and Western Festival
Elementary School Curriculum
Sports Club:Martial Arts,Basketball, Skipping

Lunch Clubs: Chess,Creative
Games,Technology Visual Arts Chinese Moral Studies

English Language Art Chinese Language Art

Chinese Moral Studies

Physical Education

Maple Bear Zhengzhou Developing History

History of Maple Bear Cubs in China

  • August 2009

    August 2009, Maple Bear first preschool opened in Zhengzhou. Maple Bear Zhengzhou East Preschool has been established.

  • June 2010

    June 2010, Maple Bear Zhengzhou West Preschool has been established.

  • June 2014

    June 2014, Maple Bear Zhengzhou Central Preschool has been established.

  • October 2014

    October 2014, Maple Bear Zhengzhou Golf Course Preschool has been established.

  • June 2015

    June 2015, Maple Bear Zhengzhou Far West Preschool has been established.

  • September 2017

    September 2017, Maple Bear first elementary school in China has been established.

  • September 2018

    September 2018, Maple Bear Zhengzhou North Preschool has been established.

  • North Campus
    Tel :0371-68013323
    Address:26 Qinghuayuan Road, Huiji District, Zhengzhou
  • East Campus
    Tel :0371-66886099
    Address:30 Tianfu Road, Zhengdong New District, Zhengzhou
  • West Campus
    Tel :0371-67950688
    Address:1 Hezuo Road, Erqi District, Zhengzhou
  • Central Campus
    Tel :0371-68988668
    Address:28 East Wenbo Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou
  • Golf Course Campus
    Tel :0371-65997366
    Address:86 North 4th ring Road and Jiangshan Road, Huiji District, Zhengzhou 
  • Far West Campus
    Address:35 Wutong Street, Gaoxin District, Zhengzhou
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